Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rules & Regulations

(Obviously, these MUST be followed)

1) We currently play Ghosts as a clan together, however some of our members still enjoy playing MW3 and BOII, If you want to join you will NEED to play Ghosts, but if you wish to play the other games, just shoot a clan member a message, set up a time and play!

2)Any person joining (or re-joining) PlatinumWolves shall undergo a thirty (30) day review period, during which he/she may be removed from PlatinumWolves for any reason without the option to appeal his/her removal. (As of 11/22/2013)

3) We are a team, that's the point of a clan - ALWAYS be respectful of the other clan members at all times, and work together to achieve maximum success. Also, there is a reason it is called a clan, it's not easy just jumping in and mingling with everyone, so make sure to talk to everyone, get a feel for who you can work well with. There is a roster attached to this poster, friend Every single member, and get to know your team, it is required to play together, and to participate in clan wars.

3.25) Be Respectful to EVERYONE. It's okay to be a great team and clan, but a snotty and disrespectful clan is only seen as a bunch of dickwaffles, so don't be a dickwaffle, play clean and fair with other people and don't insult others.
We are all expected to treat other members with the highest respect and to carry Honor of the clan wherever you go. 
  • You will be kind, courteous, helpful and supportive of all members.
  • You will be respectful to any person that visits any PlatinumWolves game channels who is not on our official enemy list. Treat them as guest and potential new member. Be welcoming.
  • Unacceptable behavior includes but not limited to, name calling, ridiculing, threatening, destructive public humiliation not of a joking or friendly manner toward any member of PlatinumWolves or any associated alliances.
  • Defamation, libel and slander are unacceptable. This includes any false or unsubstantial public accusations of conspiracy, corruption or abuse of power.
  • No sexual advances, or harassment towards a minor under 18. No sexual harassment, discussion of sexual acts or pornographic material regardless of age (No penis/breasts/sexual innuendo whatsoever on current Black Ops emblems (I or II) lets be grown ups here).
  • You may lose privileges, ranks, titles, medals, status, access, and respect or even worse be kicked from the clan if you are caught and charged with any offense or for ANY rule breaking.

3.5) If another player is trash talking or pissing you off and They start it then by all means, maturely handle the situation. Either mute them, make a non derogatory smart remark that they can't come back from, or simply leave that lobby, along with marking that players reputation.

3.75) If a clan is trash talking / being a bunch of dickwaffles, then don't give in to them and start trash talking back.. because there is no better way to piss someone off, than to beat them at their own game. So if another clan starts handing it to you, then use your anger to fuel yourself that game winning kill, then, like the badasses we are, just leave that lobby and their hall of shame, and find a new game. 

4) The Clan Tag was going to be ANBU, however ANBU was already taken by another clan :(, so it was compensated with KuSo (read clan tag and title sections under the September tab above right of this whole site) Your clan tag MUST ALWAYS read KuSo if you are a member of PlatinumWolves under the ONE exception that you are playing Black Ops II, in which case it MUST read as ANBU (only because for some unknown reason, BOII won't allow the clan tag KuSo (see again September clan and title sections)). We are ANBU at heart and core, but KuSo will serve as an honorary replacement.

All members of PlatinumWolves must wear our tag, "KuSo" on all games that will accept it (MW3, Ghosts) and "ANBU" on games that will not accept KuSo (BOII), before their name on all accounts and characters used to play with other PlatinumWolves members and must use those accounts and characters whenever they are representing PlatinumWolves in any clan channel or server. 

  • Console members are not required to change their account name, however must provide KuSo or ANBU as clan tag when applicable.

5) Must accept friend requests and messages from other clan members and reply as soon as you are able. In order to do this you MUST friend ALL clan members so you know who is who. Know your team. There is a consistently updated roster of all current members below.

6) Check the COD Ghosts App at least every other day and participate to the best of your ability in challenges and competitions. We are about having fun, and learning as we go, but it doesn't hurt to win while we are at it ;)

7) When the clan is Enlisted in a competition or challenge you MUST participate to the best of your ability - It's about helping the clan to the best of your ability not winning every time.

8) Bookmark this poster, because it is updated frequently, with new and or updated rules, new clan members, new descriptions, and is a great place to remain informed.

9) You MUST be an active player - if you plan on becoming inactive for awhile (xbox live subscription running out ect.) let me know if you wish to remain a part of the clan, how long you will be absent and so on and so forth.

10) Any age may join, however if you act immature or break the rules, you will be kicked immediately

11) When you join, you MUST message me (PlatinumWolf93) telling me what games you play (MW3, BO2, Ghosts, or a combo of the three), what game modes you enjoy most/are best at, and you must tell me what console you play on (Xbox 360/One). This way, I can organize the clan in such a way that you will be formed into small teams, making you and the clan, much more efficient and effective.

12) If for any reason you plan on leaving the clan, please notify me (PlatinumWolf93) as to WHY you are leaving, and if it's an issue with the clanI will do my best to fix it, so that you don't need or want to leave anymore. Work with me to make the clan better, okays?

13) No Rage Quitters
14) No Dash boarders
15) No Members jumping in other members lobbies and killing them.
16) All members of this clan are required to get connected to our clans Google+ page, in order to stay up-to-date and this way we will have a much easier, faster and more reliable communication interface:

Cheating & Treason

Cheating, stealing, exploiting, illegal (trainers, mods, plug-ins, bots, hacking), online scams, creating false accounts (used to artificially boost, alter scores/status or join any PlatinumWolves territories), leaking private PlatinumWolves information, violation of a game EULA*/ToS**/CoC*** are prohibited. No Prestige hackers, boosters, and glitching.
Any clan member caught violating this section will be kicked and banned from the clan, and reported to respective authorities.

*EULA - End User License Agreement
**ToS - Terms of Service
***CoC - Code of Conduct

Point System

In order to maintain order, I have devised a point system to punish members who break clan rules. (Effective 11/22/2013)

Below is a breakdown of how the point system works.

1 - 6 = Warnings
7 - 13 = Probation for 1-2 weeks (Not allowed to participate in any major clan activities, other penalties based on severity of infractions)
14+ = Dishonorable Discharge (Kicked from clan, and banned from ever rejoining) 

• All Points remain active for 365 days of issuance
• Co-Leaders may issue Minimum points without Administrative approval but must report the points in a timely and professional manner.
• 7 points and Up can only be given by PlatinumWolf93 

Min -Mid = 6 - 10
Mid - Max = 11 -14

Min - Mid = 6 - 10
Mid - Max = 11 - 14

Clan Tags
Min - Mid = 2 - 5
Mid - Max = 6 - 10

Outside Association
Min - Mid = 3 - 6
Mid - Max = 7 - 10

Section Game Laws
Min - Mid = 1 - 6
Mid - Max = 7 - 14
Account Responsibility

Min - Mid = 5 - 7
Mid - Max = 8 - 14Respect
Min - Mid = 1 - 7
Mid - Max = 8 - 14

No one shall be allowed to commit to another clan unless that member is joining for a game not supported by PlatinumWolves and the clan is not on our hostile or enemy listing of diplomacy.
  • Member may not advance to an Co-Leader position in PlatinumWolves so long as they are a member of another approved clan.
Grandfather Clause: Members in another clan for a game we don't support will be allowed to remain members of that clan if we do start supporting that game in PlatinumWolves; so long as this clan is not on our hostile or enemy listing of diplomacy.

Account Responsibility
You are fully responsible for any and all actions on your accounts and on the gaming networks. Do not share your accounts. If someone gains access to your accounts and passwords and something occurs that could jeopardize the clan, your membership, titles, ranks or reputation, you will be held completely liable regardless of whoever was signed into your account at the time and consequences will be placed against you the account owner.

NO EXCEPTIONS. Protect your Passwords, share them with no one.

    If you cannot follow these simple rules, set in place for a fair, friendly clean playing, helpful and respectable clan, then please do not join, however if you can follow these rules, and are able to get along well with others in a respectable manner, then this is the clan for you.

    Once you are a part of PlatinumWolves, if you have friends who you work well with, and can follow the above "rules", then please invite them, the more the merrier, and the easier it will be to rank up.

    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

    Section of the Clan:

    The MW3 section of the clan is currently at level 9, we have an ELITE Clan Title (equipable in game) and because the BOII section of the clan is leveled up enough, we also have the coveted and famous ELITE Golden Clan Tag for MW3, reading KuSo (also equipable in game).

    UPDATE: As of the eighth day of the eleventh month of the two thousand and thirteenth year (11/08/2013), there will be NO MORE clan operations/challenges in regards to MW3, apparently they have been done away with. This is unfortunate, however due to this, we will no longer be recruiting players who ONLY play MW3, if you play Ghosts as well, feel free to apply to our clan.

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops II

    Section of the Clan:

    The BOII section of the clan is currently level 16, and to compliment that level we have the famous and coveted Gold Clan Tag reading KuSo (eqipable in game). Please check our Facebook Page via this link: PlatinumWolves on Facebook regularly for clan challenges and operations in regards to Black Ops II.

    UPDATE: As of the twenty-fifth day of the first month of the two-thousand-fourteenth year (01/25/2014), The PlatinumWolves will unfortunately no longer be accepting players who ONLY play Black Ops II, nor will we be doing any challenges in regards to BOII. If you play Call of Duty Ghosts however, please feel free to apply.

    Call Of Duty: Ghosts

    Section of the Clan:

    PlatinumWolves is currently level 9 in Call Of Duty Ghosts (Yay hamburger patch >.<).

    We were placed in the Silver Division in the first Clan War (Los Angeles) which took place from November 11th 2013 to December 2nd 2013. We took first place with 140CP (Capture Points), with the [HNTD] HauntedAssassins Clan in second place having a total of 56CP, and the [YGGR] (Yuh-Jig-Ger) Clan following closely in third place with 45CP. In fourth place was the [RAGE] Rage Of The Gods Clan with 41CP, fifth place went to the [FiS] FearitSelf Clan with 13CP and finally in sixth place was the [xRNS] xRNS Clan with 11CP.

    In the second clan wars, we were placed in the Gold Division, though we were honored to be placed in such a high ranked tier, we were not yet ready for the honor of winning it. We placed 4th, due to lack of communication, and coordination. We have the ability to win, but without teamwork from the members, there is no clan. I hope that this loss will instill this lesson amongst our members, to make us better as a whole.

    In the third clan wars, we were placed in the Bronze Division. I believe that due to our loss in the Gold Division, our clan was much more fired up for this one, as we easily dominated and took first place.

    In the fourth clan war, we were once again placed in the Silver Division, and we are currently in fourth place, again due to lack of communication, and coordination. At the end of this war, I believe I will be letting some members go, for inactivity and blatant disregard of the rules. I hope this will, in the long run, lead to a better clan full of members who are willing and able to contribute to the betterment of the team.

    UPDATE: The PlatinumWolves went from 28 members to 14, I let all players who were inactive, disregarding the clan rules, and who would not respond to requests to play and finally who would not participate in the clan war, go. Due to lack of participation we took fifth place in this clan war.

    In the fifth clan war, The PlatinumWolves placed eighth, because no members were available to play, due to Real Life Events, I was at a Wedding and due to winter storms my internet was out (The Same storm affected several members) as for the other members, one lost their job and the others all had various other things to attend to. I expect a huge comeback in the next War.

    Besides looking at clan details within the console of the game, the only way to view clan related things is through the call of duty app.Here are the links to this app for both Android and iOS:

    Android: COD Ghosts Clan App
    iOS: COD Ghosts Clan App
    I am now accepting applications to PlatinumWolves via the Ghosts Clan App. To apply follow these steps:
    1) Open your Ghosts clan app on your "smart" device
    2) Sign in using your xbox credentials/COD credentials
    3) Hit the button with 3 lines on the bottom left hand corner of the screen
    4) Scroll to Find & Join clans (It is easier to find PlatinumWolves if you add me as a friend on xbox live first GT: PlatinumWolf93)
    5) Find PlatinumWolves, and then click APPLY :D

    In order to gain experience (XP) for the clan, clan members MUST play TOGETHER within multiplayer, (same lobbies, same game modes, the whole shebang), so make sure you check the Ghost's App Clan Roster (or see the roster below), and hook up with the other clan members. The more we play together, the faster we will level up.

    Be sure to check our Facebook page (link is above and below) for upcoming events including Clan Wars and General Play Dates (Coming Soon)



    Allied Clans are treated with the same respect that members of PlatinumWolves are treated. Members of allied clans are invited to play all games that each clan supports. Allied clans will support each other in times of war and also in friendly clan vs. clan games. During clan vs. clan matches, if one clan needs members to fill their roster, members from the allied clan may participate as substitutes. Allied members are free to participate in any PlatinumWolves section, game, or event that PlatinumWolves supports. Allied clans will be listed below, along with their respective roster.

    Neutral Clans are treated with the same respect that members of PlatinumWolves are treated. Members of neutral clans are invited to play all games that each clan supports. This is highly encouraged because the better each clan gets to know each other, the more reason to forge an alliance.

    Enemy Clans happen over the course of time,PlatinumWolves will inevitably make allies and enemies. Clans can only be added to the enemies list by majority vote of the Leaders and Co-Leaders. Official enemy clans have been found to have no honor and have directly negatively effected PlatinumWolves and it's members. Any member found joining a Enemy clan will receive a Dishonorable Discharge. Members can not participate on any enemy funded server, the only exception is a competitive league or ladder where match play requires the use of a enemy server.

    PlatinumWolves members must remember their conduct can still fall under PlatinumWolves laws even against enemies. They are free to treat them as hostile if they encounter them on a public server and can use any game resources to defeat them. However under no circumstances are actions to result in illegal hacking of an enemy's sites, servers or channels. Large scale actions may take place, but can only be sanctioned by PlatinumWolf93 personally and he will state the rules of engagement at that time.

    Clan Alliances
    These are the clans that we currently hold alliances with.

    Enemy Clans
    These are the clans we are currently enemies with.

    Roster & Statuses

    Special Account Statuses & Roster

    Honorable Discharge
    Any member resigning on good terms. This grants eligibility to return to PlatinumWolves in the future.
    • 30 day waiting period from the day you submit your Honorary Discharge request before you can return.
    • Leaders/Co-Leaders may approve early return within a 72 hour grace period.
    Dishonorable Discharge
    Any member that is banned for breaking laws or disruptive conduct. Any member resigning with after effect flaming, bad mouthing, negative or destructive behavior towards PlatinumWolves or its members can and will be changed from Honorable to Dishonorable status. 

    This disallows return to PlatinumWolves for a minimum period of 6 months, at which time the banned member may apply and have the Justice Department (Comprised of the Leader and ALL Co-Leaders) review their case. Re-admittance is by no means guaranteed and subject to a 30 day evaluation period if approved. Any current or previous member joining a clan on the enemies list will be subject to their account status being changed to Dishonorable Discharge regardless of what their PlatinumWolves account was set to at the time of their departure.

    Leave of Absence (LOA)
    Any member who will be on an extended leave of absence of more than 60 days. This is generally due to military, medical, family or other real life issues that would prevent you from playing with the clan for a period of 60 to 365 days.
    • While on LOA status you are still bound to The Law and Policies of PlatinumWolves and any violation can result in a change in status to Dishonorable Discharge.
    • You must have at least 30 days membership to qualify for LOA status.

    Clan Roster

    Should you choose to accept your mission (joining the PlatinumWolves), these wonderful peoples will be your clan mates, and your team members. Add them up as friends on xbox live, respect them, and work together as best as you can for the betterment of the clan:

    Clan Founder & Leader
    PlatinumWolf93 - Xbox One

    COD Ghosts Co-Leader
    Oreo939 - Xbox One

    COD Ghosts Co-Leader
    Bolts2323 - Xbox 360

    Recruits on Xbox One





    Recruits On Xbox 360


    Buffalo Crag




